Tuesday, March 16, 2010


True Loves,

Doing laundry in Germany is its own adventure. Given that the degrees are given in Celsius, the directions in German, and a totally different breed of machine than I have back home I can only hope that in the 40 minutes I have before my clothes are clean they aren’t shrinking, bleeding, or shredding. I already know I did something wrong because three loads of laundry shouldn’t cost 9 euros. In addition, I was a sight walking over to the StusieBar (yes, the bar) to get tokens for the machine in a pastel floral skirt and a bright blue shirt with proud yellow “Say Hi” lettering on it. It was definitely time to do laundry.

...was what I wrote before I was filled with rage.

Germany, as I've said, is stuck in the 90s. This means, that anything you could not do in the 90s you can not do here. For instance, easily setting up a bank account, having internet in convenient places, and being able to easily do laundry. In Germany, the place to buy tokens is only open from 7pm until 8pm, and in Germany they neglect to tell you that dryer tokens are different than washing machine tokens, thus my clothes hanging around my room on my telephone chord (thank you Josh Miller) and off of every possible surface. Grumble.

With Love,

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