Monday, June 28, 2010

On Taking Your Time...Or Not

True Loves,

Germans are known for their efficiency, but as an American I find that yes they are very efficient at some things, and other times, well, I get antsy. It's true that in a grocery story you see groceries bagged at lightening speed (I am sure there is a system here that I don't know about), and, at any given time of day you can see Germans racing to catch the trains that come generally only 5 or 10 minutes apart--this includes the crippled and the women wielding baby carriages.

On the other hand--Germans allow time for rest, eatings, walks with loved ones. I see fewer to-go cups and enjoy a lot more days off here. I don't know if I'll ever let go of my American "go, go, go" mindset, and frankly I miss the convenience of American consumerism daily, but that said, I really do enjoy my Thursday holidays.

With Love,

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