Thursday, May 20, 2010

On Classes

True Loves,

I love economics. The closest courses they have to business courses here are economic ones and thank goodness, I have totally fallen madly in love. Business is definitely my passion and I am only slightly less surprised by this than I was when I discovered this in Entrepreneurship a year ago. Slowly but surely, however, these courses are making me understand why. Ready Mom? You're going to love this...

I think in a way business and economics is a marriage between some of my parent's passions. My mother a psychologist and my father, someone who considers "The Economist" candy for the brain may have subliminally and unknowingly been pumping business theory into my brain. There are so many psychological and analytical aspects. Psychological you say? Yes! For instance, have you ever heard of Hofstede's indexes? Basically (stop reading here if you aren't interested in my nerdiness and skip to the next paragraph) he created a system to measure cultures in different countries which transformed how international marketing and consumerism is approached. I.E. the masculinity index--how important women are in the workforce, or the individualism index, how much you rely on yourself for success (America is very high on that one). So cool.

While the rain continues to fall...and fall and fall, I'm taking comfort in the warmth of Aspect Cafe getting back to my Amherst "I'm a pretentious asshole who hangs out and 'does work' in coffee shops" roots. Which is why this blog was originally written in a notebook first, have to look the part!

With Love,

Dad--what do I do about this?

It started out as a callus, now it's blackish purple and bleeds a bit. Ewwwww.

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