Wednesday, May 12, 2010

On Becoming Friends With Girls

True Loves,

I think I have narrowed down bonding between women into three thruths. If you know me, you know that gelling with my fellow gender hasn't always been easy, largely because admittadly I am a bit awkward, can spit better than most of my male friends, and have perfected poop jokes. And yes, I still find them funny. But the fact is I am still a lady, and even I, with my unfiltered mouth less than graceful mannerisms apply to the following three things.

1. All (or most if you want to get all technical feminist on me) women are aware of their hair and the state it is in.
2. All/Most women have had a negative experience with a boy/girl/love interest/crush of some sort.
3. All/Most women can agree that Dirty Dancing is a great movie. RIP Patrick Swayze.

Okay, I am being a little facetious. But the fact is that no matter how dainty or...not we may be we do all belong to the same gender. There is a piece of me, and maybe this is my western MA dirty hippie mentality, that believes that there is something to be said for sisterhood and the ties that bind us. I'm willing to put money on it that if you start singing "I've...had..." in a group of ladies someone is bound to join in with "the time of my liiifffeee"

With Love,

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