Thursday, March 4, 2010

So It Begins

My True Loves,

Trying to keep track of everything in my head is getting exhausting so I’m writing blog entries on word and then copying and pasting when I have internet. Tonight I was finally going to have a chance to go online at our StusieBar –the student bar where we live, but naturally the bartender had gone home sick and it was closed so I was unable to.

The flight was uneventful, I watched the Jeff Corwin Experience where I deemed his short shorts more adventurous than the jungle he was exploring. I also found myself surrounded by snoring elderly people but no one put their heads on me or drooled so I decided all in all it was okay by me. The most exciting part of the flight was when the flight attendants assumed I was German—I didn’t correct them.

The first thing I noticed about Germany was…babies. There are babies everywhere. I actually saw a carriage go by with four in it. A couple blocks later I saw 5 strollers go by and then a pregnant lady all in a row. So many babies. On the tram a baby and I got in a silly face fight, he won when he picked his nose and showed what he found.

The thing I’m most excited about is how quickly the German is coming to me. Being here for such a short amount of time already learning so many useful words, words I just wouldn’t think to ask in a class in the USA. “Would you like that to go?” –“Mochtest du mit nehmen?” Pull and Push “Ziehen und Drucken”…the list goes on.

I hope to have pictures up soon!

With Love,

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